Revolutionary Probioitic Purification For Air & Surfaces

Scientifically Proven & Medically Endorsed

All-Natural Air & Surface Purifiers For Home & Commercial

See Our Products

How It Works

Probiotic Refills

Symptoms We Improve

Cutting-Edge Technology Has Unlocked The Code For All-Natural Probiotic Cleaning

There are Thousands of products on the market that claim to decrease allergens, improve air quality and mitigate germs, but ONLY Enviro Biotics has harnessed the power of probiotics to ACTUALLY DELIVER results.

Unlike air purifiers that cost two or three hundred dollars and filter just filter your air, our single room units start at only $89 and are clinically and scientifically proven to PURIFY ALL SURFACES, AIR & OBJECTS in your home.

Using our all-natural and EPA registered Probiotic Mist, our compact devices disburse Power-Packed-Probiotics that clean away and mitigate ALL organic Allergens, Germs, Bacteria and Even Mold Spores resulting in a healthy indoor ecology.

Probiotic Purification Systems

Let’s Find The Perfect Enviro Biotic Unit For Your Uniqe Needs.

Only $89
Our Biologic Mini naturally cleans and purifies air, surfaces and objects up to 300 square feet utilizing our medically endorsed probiotic Purification Technology.

GREAT FOR: Small bedrooms, bathrooms, campers, boats, cars, office cubicles, home office, closets and much more.

Our Biotica 800 is our most popular size device that treats rooms up to 800 square feet with probiotic protection.

GREAT FOR:  Bedrooms, kitchens, small basements, dens, gym rooms, garages, TV rooms, play rooms and dorms.

Our BA-2080 is capable of purifying and filtering the air, surfaces and objects within an area of up to 2,600 square feet every hour.

GREAT FOR: Full homes, large open rooms, office areas, any space up to 2,600 square feet.


Enviro Biotics Are The Next Generation Of Health And Wellness Which Utilize The Scientific Power Of Probiotics To Purify Any Indoor Space.

Mold & Mildew

Toxic Mold Spores:  Betterair’ Enviro-Biotics™ consume mold spores from the indoor environment before they can germinate into living mold.  NO HARSH CHEMICALS needed to elimiate mold.

Allergies & Asthma

Betterair’s Enviro-Biotics™ consume organic allergens such as pet dander, pollen, dust mite allens, mold spores etc. from the indoor environment creating a Hypo-Allergenic Safe Zone wherever applied.

Surface & Air Germs

Betterair’s Enviro-Biotics™ consume the food sources that all microorganisms require to propogate thereby minimizing the presence of these harmful pathogens and replaceing them with beneficial bacteria (probiotics).

Pet Allergies & Smells

Betterair’s Enviro-Biotics attack the odor causing bacteria eliminitating (not masking) pet odors while resetting and rebalancing the indoor microbiome to its healthiest state.

Our Goal Is Simple: ALL-NATURAL purification and cleansing to improve your health.

Clean & Purify Your Home

Unlike traditional air purifiers that only filter particulates from the air our patented Enviro-Biotics™ mitigate pathogens from all surfaces, objects and air resulting in total indoor purification!

Our patented Enviro-Biotics attack, treat and destroy the root cause of allergens, bad odors, MOLD, viruses and more.  With our systems, you get MUCH MORE than simple air purification.  You get a total home clean.

Clean & Purify Your Vehicles

Eliminate bad smells, mold and mildew in BOATS, CARS, CAMPERS and more with one small unit.  We guarantee that your bad smells and mold will be gone or your money back.

Clean & Purify Your Business

From the NBA, to World Class Hotels, To Medical Facilities, our units are now serving to mitigate viruses, mold, mildew and more in the commercial space.  We have custom solutions for every industry and every building to improve your indoor air and surface health.

Traditional Medicine Is Taking Notice And So Should You.

Doctors Around The Globe Are Singing Our Praises... And Our Results.

I'm A Believer In Enviro Biotics.

I'm A Believer In Enviro Biotics.

“I have investigated the beneficial micro-organism invented by betterair since 2016, with a special attention of their safety and efficacy on human and human environments. Our advanced laboratory at the Handong university is equipped with an advanced modeling simulator that provides insight of impact on respiratory organs. Our study  has been published and among leading evidence of the huge potential of properly crafted  probiotic strains has on inhibition of respiratory illnesses and the high likelihood of suppression of diseases generating pathogens that directly responsible for illnesses such as pneumonia.”

I'm A Believer In Enviro Biotics.

I'm A Believer In Enviro Biotics.

“We are surrounded by pathogens and allergens in our environment where the platform invented by betterair assist in modulating the microbiome of our indoor environments and tune it in a precise manner that created an ecological balancing that helps our body cope better and let our immune system heal and strengthen”

Dr. Martin Bluth MD, PhD – Chief director of Medicine and Donor Services and Director of research for the Department of Pathology at Maimonides Medical Center, Professor of Pathology at Wayne State University School of Medicine and Global Medical Director for Kids suffering cancer


I'm A Believer In Enviro Biotics.

I'm A Believer In Enviro Biotics.

Betterair Enviro-Biotics™ have made a huge difference in the quality of my sleep.  I no longer wake up stuffy, congested and still tired.  I highly recommend their products because they are the only system that has ever provided the results as promised.”. 


I'm A Believer In Enviro Biotics.

I'm A Believer In Enviro Biotics.

My wife was feeling as if she was literally allergic to our house, she was sneezing all day and felt completely congested when she would wake up in the mornings. After getting BetterAir that all changed. 

My wife no longer feels as if she is allergic to everything in the house and we don’t have to move.  I would recommend better air to anyone as it really made a tremendous difference in our overall quality of life.

We started with the BIOTICA800 in our bedroom and we are now looking forward to adding BetterAir to the entire house!  I’ve also noticed that overall, I felt better, and I am breathing much better in the mornings.  Thank you BetterAir!